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The Virginia Alliance Against Assisted Suicide is an association of diverse organizations, institutions, agencies and citizens in the Commonwealth of Virginia who oppose the legalization of doctor-assisted suicide.
Mission Statement
Every Virginian should have access to affordable treatment, pain management and palliative care. We are committed to caring for all of our citizens and especially those who are most vulnerable. We therefore oppose suicide in all of its forms and work to prevent the legalization of assisted suicide in the Commonwealth.
Our alliance members include representatives of the following communities: disability rights, patients’ rights, healthcare, hospice care, human rights, senior rights, veterans and various faith-based advocacy organizations.
Our Values
Every person has the right to receive healthcare and control their illness. As citizens of the Commonwealth, we call upon our elected officials to find ways to prioritize compassionate treatment and effective pain management – but never making suicide or euthanasia an acceptable outcome. Virginia should continue to prioritize supportive, compassionate, person-centered care rather than hasten death. We support the highest standards of palliative care as a proven way to relieve pain and provide comfort at the end of life. Assisted suicide targets and devalues individual personhood and our values as a society, including people with disabilities, veterans, those with mental illness, the elderly, and those unable to afford healthcare. Allowing medical professionals to enable their patients to commit suicide or intentionally end the life of the individual themselves undermines the very basis of the clinician-patient relationship and their commitment to compassionate, person-centered care.
The term “medical aid-in-dying” - used to describe the practice of prescribing lethal drugs to a patient who requests hastened death - is just a worrisome and manipulative euphemism. We use the term “assisted suicide” because that is what it is: suicide.